Art. nr. 54175320 VVS-nr. 786711300
Vi tilbyder altid vores kunder den højeste kvalitet. Det er grundlæggende i Hansgrohes virksomhedsfilosofi.
Vejledninger og deklarationer
PEFC is a transparent and independent system for ensuring ecologically, economically and socially sustainable forest management. PEFC certification is thus a kind of global "forest TÜV".
An emissions label provides consumers with information on pollutant emissions and is intended to protect them from adverse health effects.
The climate pact of the furniture industry is based on the willingness to save CO₂ emissions, to neutralise CO₂ emissions and thus to contribute to a future worth living.
The quality label stands for the high quality of German furniture manufacturers, for innovation, durability and healthy living.
By awarding the quality label "Das Goldene M", the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. sets standards in terms of furniture quality, safety and health.
Vær venligst altid opmærksom på sikkerheds- og monteringsinformationen om dit produkt. Du finder disse i monteringsvejledningen.
Vi anstrenger os altid for at have aktuel og fuldstændig information på vores website.
Vi tager dog ikke ansvar for aktualitet, rigtighed, fuldstændighed eller at informationen er egnet til bestemte brugsformål.